Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Good old UK weather!!

Actually, the weather yesterday was some of the worst seen for some time so the news reports say.

Storm 1

Trees were downed, there was a lot of localised flooding, all in all it was a pretty nasty day. Most of the weather seemed to hit South Wales, Devon and Cornwall but the winds and rain spread pretty much everywhere.

Storm 2

The weather didn't stop us brave, (that's one word for it!) explorers though, we still got out and visited Croydon.

My time here in the UK has been really great, Sunday I visited my old Church (St Peters). Being there was great, St Peters is the place where God poured out His grace on me and saved me. I was invited to talk at a lunch that my Mum helps to organise. The lunch is for some of the older folk in the Church, some who were around when I was first saved. I talked about my life in South Africa and how God has blessed Louise and I. Sharing with them all was very special, in doing so I was able to remind myself of how great our God is and show how God has been at work in my life.

It's Tuesday today and I've spoken to Louise via Skype; man I'm missing her so much. It's the longest we've ever been apart in our married life together. As I said earlier, being in the UK has been great but I've not been able to enjoy it to the fullest because part of me isn't here yet. Louise arrives on Friday and I can't wait to see her.

So, that's about it for now.

God bless you all.

(Photo's from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/7287722.stm)