Monday 17 November 2008

Last nights sermon

So, I have good news and bad!
The good news first - I'm told that my sermon went really well last night, which I'm well pleased about. I felt the Lord placed this message on my heart and I'm excited about what may come as a result of it.
The bad news is that my church is having technical problems at the moment and my sermon couldn't be recorded. You know its only happened because I had made reference to the fact that I'm hoping to upload the audio from my sermon!!
Actually, its just one of those things. The best I can do is publish my sermon notes on Google Docs. If you want to read them you can click on the Link below:

The published version looks big, but its spaced out as I would speak it.

I do hope to be able to upload my future sermons so that you can listen to the audio but patient eh!!