Monday, 15 October 2007


Today (15 Oct), I spoke with my friend Jay in the UK. Its great to chat with him, whenever I do I feel like I'm back their in the UK. Its like I've not gone away. Its hard also because I know that when we discuss things I can't do anything practical to help with troubling things. Sometimes though, simply chatting has a way of making us feel better eh? I hope so anyway.
Its late here and I should be off to bed (late, ha, 22.45, some might laugh at that but well...). Anyway I just felt like rambling a bit before I turn in. I haven't used this blog for such things really but I'm told that rambling is what its all about.
I guess it gets easier as you get into it.
I've only recently started to use the internet as a way of communicating and have found that it can be a lot of fun. I use 'facebook' and the various applications that can be installed, its all fun stuff but its also a great way of keeping friendship alive. I've just located a good old football and work friend who I feared I had lost contact with to a point (Steve, its great to me in contact with you). So if you haven't tried 'facebook' can I say, 'give it a try, its great fun'.
I've also been using 'Skype'. 'Skype' is a little chat communication program, it can be used to make internet calls including video feeds. I haven't used the call features much due to internet capping by my internet service provider but find it another great way to chat with people all over the place.
So anyway, all these programs together with blogging are still new to me but are things that I want to make full use of.

Catch ya soon.

Thoughts from my sermon

Last night I preached from Isaiah 55.1-3.
This is a well known passage that looks at God's invitation to the thirsty.
We live in a world where sadly there are a lot of unfulfilled discontented people.
I asked the question, why is this?
In answer, I believe that people are looking for fulfillment in the wrong places. They look for jobs or possessions and so on to meet there needs without recognizing that actually the need at the heart of us all is of a spiritual nature.
Jesus is the only one who can fulfill that need.
We see in the reading from Isaiah that God offers water, wine and milk, each are significant.
Water represents the water of life; it’s what God invites us to drink from as He invites us to receive salvation. The wine represents the Holy Spirit. Wine was often used to purify undrinkable water, it killed of the bacteria in the water. The Spirit purifies us as we receive Him into our lives. The final substance is milk which is used to describe the Word of God.
As you can see, in these three substances offered by God to those who thirst, they are everything we could possible need. Salvation, purification and growth through God's living Word in our lives.
Are you looking for contentment?
Has the world and the pursuits of wealth and even more possessions been your way of trying to find satisfaction?
Well I've some bad news for you; such things will never give you real lasting satisfaction and contentment. What the world has to offer is of no real lasting value, it will always see us striving for yet more in an attempt to meet our need.
God, in Isaiah say's, 'why go after things that don't satisfy'?
We need to hear His call; we need to respond to His invitation and drink of the substances that lead to life and fulfillment in and through an ongoing relationship with Him through Jesus.
Are you thirsty?
Has the life you've been living been coming up short?
Are you looking for lasting satisfaction and eternal contentment?
If 'yes' is your answer then Jesus is your man. Turn to Him and start to live in the satisfaction that only He can bring. The satisfaction that comes through living in a relationship with Him where you can receive ever blessing God has promised us.
One last thing.
How much will all this cost us?
Let me just say that you will never be able to pay for it!

The great thing is, God knew that before He ever made an invitation to man to receive such blessings as salvation.
That's why He sent Jesus.
Jesus is the only one who can pay the price and He has done so for you and for me.
The question is, 'will you let Jesus quench your thirst'?
Will you receive the water of life, the Spirit of purification and joy together with the milk which is the very Word of God?
Or are you going to carry on with what the world has to offer?
The worlds best can only temporarily satisfy, what God offers brings satisfaction and contentment for all eternity.
The choice is yours!