Sunday, 3 August 2008

Life Begins at 40!

And so the saying goes..."life begins at 40", I would agree!


My birthday celebrations started on the day of my birthday (obviously!), I was inundated with calls, text messages and loads of birthday wishes from friends and family. Evening time was gift time; I was blessed with having many, included within these was a wonderful painting from my uncle Jack and not to forget an AFC Wimbledon DVD from Trev (Cool). The day continued with a great meal out with mum and Louise; we went to a restaurant called "Three Fat Fish" and had the best time.


The birthday celebrations continued at the weekend where I enjoyed a Lunchtime birthday braai with loads of my SA family and friends, a particularly special thing was that my mum was here to enjoy the celebrations. I missed everyone from the UK, but hey guy's, mum flew the flag for you all! While enjoying my party, Louise gave me my birthday gift from her and my family here, wow it's great. Louise, with the help of loads of family and friends put together a "This is Your Life Book". Contained within it are pictures, letters and all sorts of goodies. I have to say, when I got back home where I could enjoy it properly, I was moved to tears; the memories that are within this book remind me of some the greatest parts of my first 40 years, IT IS GREAT. Louise, and all who contributed to my book, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

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Lastly, to all who made my birthday so incredible, THANK YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE YOU ALL.