Thursday, 23 July 2009

Rainy Days!

That's Lavender, and shouldn't be planted in ponds!


My Aloe Bed!

Ephesians Study One

It's a wet day in J'bay today. We have a cold front passing through that has been predicted for some days now.I wonder at times where all the rain comes from, it seems to fall with such ferocity!

We had our small group meeting last night, we started looking at the book of Ephesians.
The group was small with some of our members away in New Zealand, however it was a really good meeting.

We looked at Ephesians 1:1-15 and in particular verses 3-14 that are concerned with the spiritual blessing each of us have as those who are 'in Christ'.
Being a Christian can never be ordinary if one actually realises all we have as those who are 'in Christ', while discovering all God intends for us as part of His big plan for all creation.

The final question of the study asked:

If Christ is at the centre of God's plans for everything, is he at the centre of yours?

What a searching question we have to ponder over this coming week!