Saturday, 20 October 2007

Leadership training

This last two days, myself and some of the other leaders in my Church have attended the 'Global Leadership Summit 2007' held at Jeffrey's Bay.
We've all really enjoyed the two days which has seen us sitting under the teaching of Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church together with various guests invited to speak at the summit.
I've never been on a conference that has looked purely at leadership and skills needed by leaders in the Church today. I feel that I have learnt a lot of things that will serve me now and in my future as I pursue the call to full time ministry.
I have lots of stuff that I want to unpack in the coming days that I've learnt but I wanted to share a little something from a session lead by Bill Hybles called 'What Ever You Do Inspire Me'.
Bill asks the question concerning leaders, 'who is responsible for inspiring leaders'?
He explains that, as King David did (see 1 Samuel 30 and particularly verse 6), we need to find our strength in the Lord.
Who is responsible for building us up as leaders, who is responsible for inspiring us?
We are, we need find our strength in the Lord.
Bill gave us ten ideas that he himself adopts as he works at inspiring himself. I want to share them with you because I have found them particularly helpful.


1. Stay crystal clear about your calling from God.
2. Leverage your spiritual gifts the way God gave them to you.
3. Make sure the players on your team are inspiring people.
4. Read inspiring books.
5. Make a point to rub shoulders with exceptionally inspiring people every now and then.
6. Participate in exceptionally inspiring events.
7. Pay attention to physical disciplines.
8. Pay attention to your working environment.
9. Have an inspiring recreational life outside your work world.
10. Practise daily spiritual disciplines that keep your faith fresh.
(Taken from: 'The Global Leadership Summit 2007', delegates book)

I hope that you will find this list that Bill Hybels has put together as helpful as I have.
I would encourage you to visit to find out more about the teaching of Bill Hybels and the ministry of Willow Creek.

Before I close I just want to thank everyone who has responded to some of my earlier post. For those who have posted responses asking me questions, I just want to say that I intend to respond but want to go away with your questions and think about them before I do.

God bless you all.