I know, I said that Louise and I won't be going back to Port Elizabeth in a hurry, but we have to go through tomorrow in order to extend my visa. The office is in PE and Louise's folks are going through for other reasons so we're going to catch a ride with them. If we're not driving I'm sure all will be fine!
My visa runs out about March time next year but with us going to the UK for Christmas I don't really want to be trying to get back into the country with only a short time left on the visa . We've been told various things about what we must do to get my visa extended so it might be a bit of a trying time for us. Louise is great in such circumstances, she really brings the balance needed to get such things sorted out.
Yesterday, at Church, we found out that possibly five guy's from our small group are going forward to be baptised this coming Sunday which is really great. I know that God is going to be meeting with them in this and I'm so excited for them as they take this next step in there relationship with God.
If you read this before the end of Tuesday 6th November, I.E. tomorrow, please pray for us that all will go well with extending my visa.
Many thanks.