Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Chilling to the bones!

Trev and the snowman

This is my brother; the one on the right!

"I love ya bro"

Sunday, 8 February 2009

A call for prayer

Most of you will know that my step mum, my father’s wife, has a very nasty form of cancer that looks likely to be taking her life. Pat is such a wonderful person and has always been a joy to be around; her bubbly nature makes it so hard to imagine her being so sick.

My dad at this time is trying to spend every precious moment with her but has to deal with the real fact that she may leave us at any moment. He feels pretty bitter towards God and wonders why this is happening.
It’s hard to answer such a question, one can only say that God doesn’t cause things like cancer and He doesn’t use such things to punish us (in fact God doesn’t punish us, ever).
Our bodies grow older and wear out. As they do we can be prone to such things as cancer (not that cancer affects only those older in life). I believe that God doesn’t choose for us to experience such things but shares in our pain when we do. He wants to surround us with His love even as we go through such horrors.
We have a God who loves life and loves us so much that He gave His son to die for us all. Such a God doesn’t choose to inflict anyone but witnesses, I believe through real pain, ever person who experiences any of life’s tragedies.

One day their will be a time and a place where their will be no more cancer, of any kind, that can afflict us. It will be a time when all who respond to His love will know and live with Him in a new heaven and earth, a time when we will experience life as God really intends it.

No answer to the question of ‘why this is happening to Pat’ can take the pain away from those who know and love her. But I say lets not focus on the ‘why’ and seek the love that Pat needs, that my dad needs and that all of us need as we face any form of hardship. That love can be found in God; we experience it through Jesus, and through family and friends as we make ourselves available to be instruments of His love.

Please join me in prayer; seek for Pat to experience the eternal love of God and release from any pain and suffering. Pray that my dad will remain strong and that he will know the love and support of God as he stands by his lovely wife Pat.

Thank you