Friday, 23 July 2010

Life Under The Spirit!

As Christians today, do we listen or should I say, discern what the Holy Spirit is saying to us?

We so readily turn to a book of rules that show us the way to get things done!
When we get things done our faith in rules are strengthened. But what about when we don't get what we're trying to do, done; do those same rules then start to condemn us?

In the Old Testament we see the people of Israel seeking a list of rules from God as to how to live as His people (You can read all about this in Exodus and onwards, particularly when Moses went up Mount Sinai). The people of Israel had been invited to meet with God but sent Moses in their place out of fear. They wanted him to come back with a list of rules as what God wanted of them, rather then going and meeting with God for themselves and having their lives changed by the encounter!
God gave them there rules! And although they had periods where they got things right, they actually spent more time getting things wrong!
That's when the guilt and condemnation starting to pull them down into periods of hopelessness and depression.

Countless sacrifices had to be made in the temple to atone for all their rule breaking.

This all changed when Jesus came; He was able to complete the law in its fullest and then went on to give His life as a sacrifice for our sin (our rule breaking); a once of sacrifice that doesn't need to be repeated!

For all of us who have received from Jesus, all that His sacrifice for us brings about, including the promised Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14), theirs some very exciting news I want to share with you:

The law of the Old Testament, though still important in that it teaches us about God and His will, is not what is going to give us victory as Christians.

Its not the law but the Holy Spirit that gives us victory.
If we put all our hope in the Law and allow it to be our guide then we are heading for disappointment, because none of us can keep it fully.
However, if we turn to the Holy Spirit to guide us as to how to live this new life, as a Christian, we have hope and will have victory.

"The Holy Spirit not only opens up Gods Word to us; He also enables us to fulfil it."

The grace in the above statement can be life changing if you would but receive its truth into your life.

Are you just a rule follower or a Spirit led believer of Christ?

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