Well at last one of my favorite films has its third episode in 'The Bourne Ultimatum'. I understand that this film isn't following the book but promises to be another exciting film.
Louise and I are going to see it on Saturday when we visit Port Elizabeth. I for one am really looking forward to seeing the film, it's been some years since the last episode (The Bourne supremacy) came out.
I'll update my blog with my thoughts on the film later.
It would be interesting to hear from any of my readers what films they've seen lately and whether they were enjoyed, please include why you did or didn't enjoy them.
Louise and I are really enjoying having a faster internet connection. We've talked about how fast the internet was when we were in the UK. When we first arrived in SA we had to go back to 56k dail up!! But i have to say a credit to SA is that it has seen the need for better internet for the people and have quickly made things better and more affordable. I think this has to be a big thanks to the Government and not Telkom the interesting phone company.
So in closing, the weekend promises to be a good one, I think that Friday we are going to get together with Louise's folks and are going to go out for a 'Spur' dinner.... COOL!
i do feel sorry for you while your over there in your winter were in one of our english summer never mind ah i did see a blue cloud but that was in the paper
Thanks for your responce.....my first..COOL.
What can i say about English summers?
Well as I said to my brother, why don't you just give up and come and live over here in SA?
us brits love our wheather only 52 weeks a year of rain but have good music like ronnie mcdowell
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