Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Gardeners back!!


A friend of ours has likened weeding her garden to her life as a Christian and has shared some very wise thoughts on the subject. I can't say that I've had such inspiration while working in my garden over this past holiday weekend. I'm still very pleased with how things have come together though I must say. I've just completed my back garden central bed (well, not quite central but you'll get the drift from my photo's I'm sure!). Louise and I, some time ago, decided to put up a wall in the front garden which turned out great but left us with a cycad in a rather undesirable place. Louise isn't a big fan of cycads, unlike me and kind of wasn't to bothered about keeping it. I, however decided that it would make a great addition to our back garden. So I set out to create a nice bed for it; we have a patch of ground where grass struggled to grow so that seemed like as good a place as any. The ground was a complete nightmare with enough rock to create my very own mountain! I did however manage to remove enough to create what has become a rather nice feature bed. The cycad is sitting in the middle of the bed with various other cactus/aloe plants. We had two reed strelizias which I've included and various vygies (English translation is faychies). The bed was hard work in the making but both of us are very pleased with how it has turned out. I'm just praying that the cycad has survived the move!



Once the plants start to grow and fill the area it should be quite something eh?

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