Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Splash in more ways then one!


So, Billabong has come to Jeffrey's bay. I took mum to super tubes (one of our beaches) to watch the contest. We enjoyed lunch together watching the dudes riding the waves and doing all kinds of tricks.



The highlight of the day though was the moment when mum and I shared a wave with the surfers. Busy photographing the action we were hit by a big wave that came on shore, much to our horror! I managed to lift myself out of the water rather quickly and only suffered a slightly wet side of my shorts, mum however didn't quite respond as quick and ended up taking an early bath. I'm not sure whether she got wetter as the wave came in or as it went out, but anyway she got a rather wet bum!! It's great to be able to laugh such things away and mum was a great sport and did so. I don't actually think she will ever live this one down!!


DSCF0236 - Copy Check out those shorts!!

All ended well for us both however when we decided to leave the beach and go for ice cream (anyone who knows mum, knows that ice cream for her has magical healing properties!!).

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