Friday, 5 September 2008

The Message

Some time back, as a small group we completed a course of studies called "In the dust of the Rabbi". Towards the end of these studies we were encouraged to get back into the regular reading of God's Word as disciples of Jesus.
I've tried to take this on board and have been regularly using Eugene H. Peterson's "Message".
I know this bible translation isn't new, a number of people have been using it and praising it for a longtime.

Well anyway, I've been using it and really enjoying it's contemporary language .
Some will say that it's simply a paraphrase of the bible and not great for a deeper study of God's Word, that's fine; I would still choose the NIV for study purposes, but for everyday reading I'm loving the Message.
You can actually access an online version by clicking on the link below:

Give it a try and decide for yourself.

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